5 Instances When You Might Want To Consider Sealants for Cavity Prevention

Sealants help save teeth

Have you ever felt like your teeth are constantly under attack? Between the sugary snacks and the sneaky bacteria hiding in your mouth, it’s no wonder that cavities are a common problem. But fear not, my friend! There’s a superhero in the dental world that can help protect your teeth from the evil forces of decay: dental sealants. These thin, plastic coatings are like a forcefield for your molars and premolars, keeping bacteria and food particles from causing trouble in the grooves and pits of your teeth. 

Do dental sealants really help?

According to the CDC, sealants can reduce the risk of cavities by up to 80% for up to two years after application. This means that dental sealants really do help. So, if you want to give your teeth extra protection, keep reading for three-to-five instances when sealants are the cavity-prevention superhero you need. And since sealants offer such impressive protection, it simply begs the question; when can you get dental sealants?

Dental sealants are typically recommended for children and teenagers, as they are more prone to cavities in their developing teeth. However, adults can also benefit from sealants, especially if the deep grooves and pits in their molars and premolars are difficult to keep clean. 

Sealants are usually applied as soon as the permanent molars come in, around the ages of six and twelve, but they can be applied at any time as long as the teeth are free of decay or fillings. Your dentist can help determine if sealants are right for you or your child during a routine dental evaluation. 

When you might want to consider getting dental sealants.

In most cases, your child’s dentist will monitor your kids’ teeth and recommend when sealants should be applied. Typically, dentists will recommend sealants in these instances.

1. Children and Teenagers

As mentioned earlier, sealants are often recommended for children and teenagers since their developing teeth are more vulnerable to cavities resulting from bacteria and the accumulation of dental plaque. Applying sealants when the permanent molars come in can help protect their teeth during the cavity-prone years.

2. Deep Grooves and Pits

The chewing surfaces of your teeth are made up of pits and fissures—deep grooves that can be found on both premolars and molars. However, pits and fissures are often deeper on molars than premolars. Consider sealants if you or your child have exceptionally deep grooves and pits in your molars and premolars. These areas can be challenging to clean with a toothbrush and are more likely to harbor bacteria and food particles that can cause cavities.

3. History of Cavities

If you or your child have a history of cavities, sealants can be a proactive measure to prevent future decay. Even if you have fillings or have had cavities in the past, sealants can help protect the remaining natural tooth structure.

4. Limited Access to Dental Care

If you or your child have limited access to dental care, sealants can provide an extra layer of protection against cavities. They can help reduce the risk of decay until you receive regular dental check-ups and cleanings.

5. Orthodontic Treatment

If you or your child are undergoing orthodontic treatment, such as braces or aligners, sealants can be a helpful addition to your dental hygiene routine. Brackets and wires can make it difficult to clean all surfaces of your teeth, so sealants can help protect your teeth during this time.

Dental sealants are a safe option for you and your kids. 

Dental sealants are a safe and effective preventive measure against tooth decay. The American Dental Association (ADA) has approved using sealants as a safe and non-invasive treatment option. The sealant material is made of BPA-free plastic and is applied directly to the tooth’s surface, so there is no risk of exposure to harmful chemicals. While health professionals are always cautious about using sealants in pregnant or nursing women, studies have shown that sealants pose no significant risk to the mother or baby. And if you have concerns, your dentist will assess your unique situation and advise you of the best and safest course of treatment. 

Dental sealants are considered one of the most successful ways to prevent tooth decay. The procedure is painless and quick, taking only a few minutes per tooth. Sealants can last up to 10 years with proper care and maintenance, providing long-lasting protection against cavities.

The lowdown on dental sealants. 

And there you have it, folks! The lowdown on dental sealants—the superhero of the dental world. Whether you’re a kid, or a kid at heart, have deep grooves in your teeth, or just want an extra layer of protection against cavities, sealants might be just what the dentist ordered. Plus, they’re safe, effective, and BPA-free—what more could you ask for?

So, the next time you head in for your professional dental cleaning, and they offer you the chance to become a superhero, don’t hesitate—say yes to sealants! Until then, keep smiling, and don’t forget to request an appointment with Compass Dental Group, the best dentists in Maryville, MO.